Posted on 1/31/2023

Photo by Daniel Foster on Unsplash Car Care 101: What Is A Tire Rotation, And When Do You Need One? Welcome to Car Care 101 with Service Plus Automotive! This month, we want to discuss something basic but fundamental: tire rotations. A tire rotation is a service where the mechanic will rotate your front tires to the back and your back tires to the front. They do this in order to keep your tread from getting too low on either set of tires. Tire rotation is an important service that can help keep your vehicle in good condition and extend the life of your tires. It’s not too heavy-handed of a service, either! But what exactly is tire rotation, and when do you need it? This blog post will discuss what tire rotation is and the benefits of regular tire rotation services. We'll also discuss when it's time to have your tires rotated a ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2023

Photo by Dominik Hofbauer on Unsplash At Service Plus Automotive, we are looking ahead to the year 2023. Our customers made 2022 a special, landmark year for us, and for that we are so grateful! We are excited to provide our customers with a variety of new ways to connect with us, new specials to save them money, and new ways to learn more about their vehicles. 2022 was an incredible year for us, and we're excited to roll out some new and exciting features this year! A Look Inside The Shop With the ever-evolving world of social media, our shop is looking ahead to the year 2023. From our long-time mechanics to our newest hires and adorable shop pups, we want to give our customers a chance to connect with us on a personal level. We will provide monthly mechanic, and staff bio's on our social media platforms, so customers can get to know the faces behind the shop. &n ... read more