Posted on 8/31/2023

Fuel Economy Tips For Your New Driver: Back-to-School Edition As the back-to-school season approaches, parents navigate a unique and exciting phase of their teenagers' lives - the beginning of their driving journey. For both teens heading to high school and college kids venturing far away for the first time, the responsibility of driving calls for meaningful conversations about safety, responsibility, and fuel economy. By providing your new driver with the knowledge and tools to drive efficiently, you save on expenses and promote environmentally-conscious habits. This comprehensive guide presents expert fuel economy tips for your new driver, ensuring they embark on their driving journey confidently and sustainably. Fuel Economy Tips For Your New Driver Maintaining a steady speed, removing excess weight from the vehicle, using the right motor oil, and ensuring proper tire maintenance are all crucial aspects of achieving optimal fuel economy ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2023

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash How to Prepare Your Vehicle for the New School Year As summer draws to a close and the new school year approaches, ensuring your vehicle is in top-notch condition is essential. Proper maintenance enhances your safety and helps you avoid unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. In this month's blog post, the expert auto mechanics at Service Plus Automotive will discuss essential steps to prepare your vehicle for the new school year, including oil changes, brake inspections, air filter replacements, and wiper checks. We will also highlight the signs and symptoms that indicate these components need attention. Oil Changes Consistent oil changes are vital, as they keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. Even the perfect driver needs an oil change, as over time, engine oil becomes susceptible to dirt, sludge, and metal particles ... read more