Posted on 3/31/2021
Welcome to April’s blog! We hope you have been coping well in the past month and are just about ready for Spring now. Today, we’re looking at the benefits of changing air filters. Air filters are something inexpensive to replace, but they usually get replaced less than they should, because car owners don’t have time in their busy lives to do the work-- which can usually be done in under 30 minutes. Here’s our top five reasons to change your air filters: 5. Reduced Emissions - the air from your exhaust is the same air that came in through your air filter. If it starts dirtier, it leaves dirtier. A new air filter helps relieve that. 4. Quick, easy fix - changing your engine and cabin air filters is inexpensive and fast for a mechanic. Don’t hold out if you don’t have time to do the work yourself; bring it to your auto mechanic. 3. Reduces Allergens - when the pollen starts to build up, having a new air filter ... read more